If you’re looking for some more information, have a particular question or enquiry to make, or want to contact a specific board member or department, please contact us via email and we will endeavour to respond to your enquiries as soon as possible.

General Public Enquiries: directed to admin@quadball.org.au

Member Enquiries: directed to admin@quadball.org.au

Grievances: directed to grievance@quadball.org.au

Contact Details for Specific Board Members:

Scott Palmer (Chairperson): chairperson@quadball.org.au
Kelsey Collins (Secretary): secretary@quadball.org.au
Nicola Gertler (Treasurer): treasurer@quadball.org.au
Matt Blissenden: matt.blissenden@quadball.org.au
Justine Eyre: justine.eyre@quadball.org.au

QA Departments, Initiatives, and Events:

Australian National Squad Manager: australiannationalsquad.manager@quadball.org.au
Australian National Squad Coach: australiannationalsquad.coach@quadball.org.au

Don’t want to email? Please complete the form below, to get in contact with Quidditch Australia: