Banner Photo: Shot by Bec
Your Goals. Your Team. Your People.
Quadball is a competitive sport played by hundreds of people across Australia and thousands more around the world. First derived from a fictional book series, Quadball has evolved into its own entity - a fast-paced, full-contact, mixed-gender sport!

There are over 30 teams across Australia, with members joining for social sport or as competitive athletes, and volunteering in the community through non-playing roles.

Quadball clubs across the country play in local, state, national, and international leagues and competitions.

Quadball takes pride in championing diversity through sport, being an inclusive and welcoming community for all genders, backgrounds, and abilities.
Quadball Australia is a Not-For-Profit Governing Body for the sport in Australia. Our role includes:
Regulating player and club membership
Running major events like Nationals
Facilitating gameplay and growth
Organising the Australian Dropbears.