Gameplay Policies

This section contains all official Quadball Australia policies governing gameplay. Where they differ from international standards, QA policy takes precedence.

The main policy document is linked below, which contains all primary policies as well as Equipment standards, extreme weather policy, national championship (QUAFL) eligibility (including refree requirements, etc.), official match eligibility, and transfer policies.

QA Gameplay Policies (2019)

In addition to the main gameplay policy document, Quidditch Australia has several other gameplay related policies and tools listed below:

QA Injury Policy
QA Concussion Procedure
Concussion Recognition Tool
QA First Aid Policy
QA First Aid Operating Procedure
QA Extreme Heat Policy
QA First Aid Injury Report Template

Any matter not directly covered and over-ridden anywhere within these documents, or any other wider QA Policy document, defaults to current IQA policy.

Please note that the Main Gameplay Policies are currently under review due to the impacts of COVID-19. The policies should currently be treated as a guide until updated Policies can be released.

For any further enquiries, please contact us at