The Eastern Sydney Universities Quidditch Club (ESU) is the result of the greatest cross over in history (move aside Marvel), with the UTS Opaleyes and the UNSW Snapes on a Plane coming together to form what is possibly the most amazing club in quidditch history.
Are you looking for a fun, competitive sport where you can meet loads of likeminded people? Ready to take your social game to the next level? Eastern Sydney Universities Quidditch Club has you covered.
At ESU, we pride ourselves on fostering an inclusive, diverse environment, and specialise in taking new players and introducing them to the best elements of social and competitive sport. We enter multiple teams in NSW’s NQL competition to allow players of all sporting backgrounds to find their feet and challenge themselves, while also providing talented players a pathway to state and national representation.
We are one of the largest teams in Australia with 3 active teams training and competing in NSW;
Dawnbreakers; This is our top team, made up of our finest players who strive to compete against the other top teams in the state.
Nightbringers; This is our B team, where those looking to increase their skills and attempt to compete against the other teams in the state and try and move up into Dawnbreakers
Daywalkers; Our social team. This team is made up of those who are simply looking to enjoy some fun games with mates, and to play a sport they enjoy.
So if you’re after a national trophy, a stacked social calendar or a group of mates to hit the beach with, come and give quidditch with ESU a go!
We train Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3pm to 5pm at UNSW Physics Lawn. We also Train on Wednesdays from 6pm to 8pm at Rowland Park (possibly to be changed)
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ESUQC
Instagram: www.instagram.com/esuquidditch/
Email: easternsydneyuniversities@gmail.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd8re3bYPc0p4vKRnLcTuLQ