All Genders. All Abilities. All Welcome.
Banner Image: Maddi Moulton Photography
The University of Sydney Quidditch Club is the biggest quidditch club in New South Wales, and one of the biggest in Australia and maybe even the world! That doesn’t mean we’re not constantly looking to grow though, with a fourth team a dream for many of our members. Our current three teams are the Unspeakables, the Unbreakables and Unforgivables, ranging in competitiveness and ability – whatever sort of team you’re looking for, you’ll find it at USyd!
But here at USQC we’re not just a sports club, we’re also a hugely social club! We regularly have casual dinners, as well as pub crawls, movie trips, bowling, laser tag, trivia, and just spend an insane amount of time together – we have been compared to a cult on many occasions. We also enjoy bringing quidditch to the community, and run corporate team building and Kidditch (Kids Quidditch) events.
We were fortunate enough to have taken three teams to QUAFL 2018, the Australian Quidditch Championships, hosted by USC. Here we have a short video of the trip to Queensland, so come fly with us to reflect on all the fun we had and our high hopes, which inevitably paid off!
This documentary was created by three full time uni students to encapsulate the University of Sydney Quidditch Club's progress, showcasing its growth and goals throughout the year of 2018.
The Unspeakables
Maddi Moulton Photography
The Unspeakables are the original team of USQC, having been established in 2012, and were our only team until they were joined by the Unbreakables in 2016. Now, they serve as our A team, home to the best players in the club, as well as some of the best players in the State and even Australia! They regularly perform well in both the state league and Nationals since their inception, including winning NQL in 2018 and placing 2nd in QUAFL the same year, as well as winning Mudbash and Midwinter.
The Unbreakables
Willem de Gouw Quidditch Photography
The Unbreakables made their first appearance in 2015 but did not become a regular at tournaments until 2016, when they became the first B team in Australia! In 2016, the Unbreakables consisted of predominantly new players but were able to be competitive at the bottom of the table. Since then, the team has only grown in strength and in 2018, after a two division NQL was established, they won division 2 and placed in the top half of all teams in the country at QUAFL!
The Unforgivables
Willem de Gouw Quidditch Photography
The Unforgivables originated in 2017 as a secondary B team alongside the Unbreakables. This changed, however, in 2018 to make the Unforgivables the official C team, the only C team in the country. They are the home to many of our newer players, as well as more experienced players who wish to play less competitively. But this in no way means they are any less passionate about quidditch, and despite lower numbers they are arguably the loudest team at every tournament.
Here at USQC, we decided that monthly NQL tournaments weren’t enough, so in 2018 we established our own, equally as competitive, internal University of Sydney Quidditch League, or USQL. The main aim of the USQL is to allow newer players the opportunity to play alongside more experienced players to develop their abilities and gave older players the chance to improve their on-pitch leadership skills. It is also a major form of team bonding as we run many USQL based challenges, including treasure hunts and trivia nights.
#AllGendersAllAbilitiesAllWelcome #UnspeakablePride #UnbreakableBonds #UnforgivableFerocity #YearOfUSyd #ComeFlyWithUs #SoarToNewHeights #2020Vision #SixTeamsAndAMovie
During Semester: 2-5 PM on Thursdays and Fridays in Victoria Park, Camperdown.
Outside of semester, contact the club for holiday trainings.
Instagram: usydquidditch
Snapchat: usydquidditch
Youtube: University of Sydney Quidditch Club