Interstate, National, and International Events

July 6th - 7th: Mudbash - Melbourne, VIC (QV)

July 20th - 21st: Midwinter - Newcastle, NSW (UNQC)

October 5th - 6th: Nations Cup - Spain (IQA)

October 19th - 20th: State Shield - TBD (QA)

November 30th - December 1st: Nationals - TBD (QA)

State League Dates 2024

Each state body runs its own internal state league, which forms the majority of the games a team plays, and informs ranking for Nationals. Seasons typically follow the university calendar, kicking off around February-March, and running through to State Finals in October. November then provides a lead up to Nationals in December. Dates for the various state league fixtures are posted below.

Queensland State League (QSL)

QSL will run from 8am-2pm at the Moreton Bay Central Sports Complex on these dates:

14/03/24 - March QSL
07/04/24 - April QSL
19/05/24 - May QSL
23/06/24 - June QSL
11/08/24 - August QSL
15/09/24 - September QSL
06/10/24 - October QSL (TBD)
10/11/24 - Finals (TBD)


The Vic Cup will be held on the following dates:

14/04/24 - Round 1
19/05/24 - Round 2
16/06/24 - Round 3
11/08/24 - Round 4
08/09/24 - Round 5
22/09/24 - Finals

NSW Quadball League (NQL)

NQL will be held on the following dates:

13/04/24 - April NQL
18/05/24 - May NQL
23/06/24 - June NQL
24/08/24 - August NQL
14/09/24 - September NQL
09/11/24 - NQL Finals

Perth Quidditch League (PQL)

Western Australia Quidditch Association are currently in the process of planning their PQL. Teams continue to train in the meantime.

Open Trainings, Social, & Community Events

Many teams around the country are currently running open come & try sessions. Find and connect with your local team here.