COVID19: Early Recommendations
/Quidditch Australia recognises the ongoing concerns regarding the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in our community. We are monitoring the situation closely and will provide further updates as the situation develops.
To assist in addressing these concerns and ease anxiety within the community we would like to remind everyone of important cautionary steps individuals can take to minimise impact within the community and reduce the spread of the virus. These recommendations have been taken from the Australian Governments Department of Health Website, and adapted to be relevant to our community, with the help of Quidditch Canada’s excellent COVID-19 resource (Quidditch Canada COVID-19 Recommendations)
Do not attend any events. Contact your local doctor and follow their instructions.
Even if you know or do not suspect that you have COVID-19 it is still recommended that you practice good hygiene. Ways in which you can do this are:
Wash your hands frequently, especially before the start of a game
Minimise the sharing of equipment, such as gloves and brooms, and especially headbands, jerseys, or other equipment that may be exposed to sweat.
DO NOT share equipment that comes in direct contact of your mouth, such as whistles and water bottles
Avoid taking your mouthguard out mid-game, and wash your mouth guard after each game
Avoid handshakes at the end of games.
Do not use game equipment outside of a game
If possible, these are some good precautions to put in place for your tournament.
Sanitize game equipment before every game
If possible, make sanitizer available for players to use
Ensure bathrooms are stocked with soap at all times
To stay up to date with the latest news regarding COVID-19 here are some reliable sources:
World Health Organisation Latest Updates
World Health Organisation Public Advise
Australian Department of Health COVID-19 Information & Recommendations